A reminder on why people should opt for the Medicare supplement plan


Image source: medicarefaq.com

State Mutual Insurance’s Delos H. Yancey has always reminded people about the importance of insurance plans. He notes that a combination of factors has made insurance a must-have for everyone. But probably the most important reason for getting insurance is the fact that health care is not getting any cheaper.

On that note, Mr. Yancey urges people, especially retirees, to at the very least, look into getting a Medicare supplement plan. He believes that seniors who already hold Medicare A and B should seriously consider Medigap – a Medicare supplement plan.

There is no shortage for Medicare supplement plan. Even the simplest one already covers coinsurance and hospital bills for an added year once the original Medicare plan benefits have been used. This same plan also covers a huge part of hospice care and three pints of blood.

Image source: aginginplace.org

For seniors who love to travel, there are even Medicare plans that take care of their holders abroad. A number of these plans can cover up to 80 percent of the expenses incurred through medical emergencies if experienced overseas, explains Delos H. Yancey of State Mutual Insurance.

Medicare supplement plans pay at least half of the Medicare-covered copayments for doctor’s checkups; the value of which can truly be seen when plan holders have to regularly visit their physicians. And on the topic of value, Medicare supplement plans also provide great savings for people looking to purchase medical equipment such as wheelchairs or walkers.

State Mutual Insurance is headed by Delos H. Yancey, a Certified Financial Examiner, a Certified Insurance Examiner, and a fellow of the LIMRA Leadership Institute. For more reads on State Mutual Insurance and its services, visit its official website.

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