Why is it so difficult to achieve universal healthcare in the United States?

Image source: statnews.com

The healthcare system in the United States is arguably one of the country’s most complicated sectors. One of the most controversial yet practical healthcare solutions that has eluded this country is universal healthcare. And while it’s easy to argue that its implementation cannot be that complicated—after all, other developed countries in Europe or even America’s neighboring country, Canada have managed to provide it—it is befuddling that universal healthcare remains non-existent in the world’s largest economy.

So why has universal healthcare eluded the United States? According to health insurance expert Delos H. Yancey, factors specific to the country complicate the situation. Here are some of the causes of the difficulty of implementing a universal healthcare system:

The first element that affects possible applications of universal healthcare is the country’s size and population. The US is one of the largest countries in the world, with almost a third of a billion people. Other problems the country faces due to its size and population include educational programs and its tax system.

Image source: healthline.com

Second, there’s a stigma behind the socialist idea that everyone deserves healthcare. This issue remains divisive as there’s already a social security system fending for retired citizens. Some believe that universal healthcare will spark a socialist movement in the country.

Lastly, politics in the US is severely divided. Because of a lack of bipartisanship, it is close to impossible to propose and enact a universal healthcare legislation. According to Delos H. Yancey, there are certain politicians who are backed by large pharmaceutical corporations that hinder the process in order to keep the prices of life-saving medicine such as epipens high.

Delos H. Yancey III currently serves as the chairman, president, and CEO of State Mutual Insurance, a legal reserve mutual insurer in Rome, Georgia, that currently specializes in Medicare supplement policies. Visit his company’s website for more on its services and history.